Monday, December 24, 2012

A Christmas Carol

I can’t help it.  Every year about this time, I re-read A CHRISTMAS CAROL by Charles Dickens.  I love it, I love the many versions I’ve seen in films, and I will read it next year … and the next.  Why?
Finally, I sat down and analyzed the appeal of this book.  It’s short, fairly readable (for Dickens), and it has strong themes.  The theme that strikes the strongest chord with me, though, is redemption.  I love watching this miserable, miserly, misanthrope (is that enough mis words?) transformed into a generous and lovable human being. I giggle at his nephew’s surprise at the change in his uncle, and delight in Scrooge as he discovers the joy in helping others.
Set in the 1840s in Victorian England, the story is as poignant today as when Dickens first wrote it. It’s my favorite story by Dickens, and it showcases his talent in describing settings and developing interesting characters. It’s a ghost story, a fairly scary one, and yet it’s ideal for getting you into the Yuletide spirit.

If you've not read the book, give it a try. And God bless us, everyone!

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